Tuesday 29 March 2016

Rawang Homeschool Education

UEC certificates will not be recognised by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia.

International school has been sprouting all over the Klang Valley and the rest of Malaysia. In Rawang itself the Straits International School and Tenby International School at Taman Sari and Anggun, Rawang will be starting soon respectively.

International schools normally follows curriculum leading to SPM examinations or international examinations like IGCSE "O" levels. Private schools follows the Malaysian government syllabus.

This has not affected homeschool education which usually follows the IGCSE curriculum leading to IGCSE O level certificates recognised internationally.

 What now for parents whose children are studying in vernacular chinese schools where the UEC exams are not recognised. The parents can choose to schooled the children in private schools, international schools or even homeschools.

In Rawang check out Eagle Chapter Learning Centre which provides Grade 1 to Grade 10 education leading to IGCSE O Level examinations.

Call 012-8828809 todayor check out their website at www.eagleedupro.com

Monday 22 September 2014

Our Comprehensive subjects

Eduseeds Subjects


1. Mathematic

Math introduces children to the sublime joy of learning along with understanding concepts. The lessons are carefully structured keeping in mind that the child must acquire certain skills. Skills such as concepts, application and developing the problem solving skills are important to nurture the children and make mathematics fun and enjoyable. The courses have been designed with colourful illustrations and multimedia contents to promote a positive attitude towards mathematics.
2. English
The subject has been developed to make the learning process easy, fun and enjoyable. It focuses on the four main skills; Reading, Writing, Grammar and Listening & Speaking. The syllabus have been designed to expose children to different type of texts at lower levels so that the transition to higher and exam levels is made easier. The lessons are designed with colourful illustrations and multimedia contents to promote a fun learning experience. The objective is to ensure learners are able to use English for academic purpose and real-life communication.
3. Science
The topics are developed in a simple, easy to understand language. They are visually attractive and self-explanatory with illustration, pictures and multimedia content where the child is able to visualise the content or concept. The students are able to explore their world and discover new things. It is an active subject, containing hands-on activities and experiments. It builds the child’s mind to think, analyse and conclude about a topic. The objective, in the end is to ensure students value science as an important tool in their journey of discovering the natural and physical world.
4. Social Studies
Social Studies are a blend of the natural and social science. Young learners from grade 1 to 3 learn how they are situated in the natural and social environment. These books gently train the children to see harmony between society, of which they are part of and also the environment. The next 3 grades, the children are exposed to the physical world and its man-made and natural components. The main suite learners in the higher grades will learn a combination of history and geography of the local and international topics.
The overall aim of the series is to sensitise children to their social responsibilities.
5. Value Education
The lessons are designed to appeal to children without compromising on either relevance or reality. Its objective is to nourish the child with values that are universal and eternal. The child is guided in the lessons in different ways such as journal writing and student group dynamics.
6. DotCom
This series cover an updated application software program and valuable inputs on the latest devices in current use. The courses are designed in an activity oriented approach with plenty of visuals and illustrations. They are creatively designed to provoke the minds of the children to think logically and apply concepts. Contents provide interesting facts and information to increase the child’s knowledge in computers



Eagle Chapter Learning Centre  provides International CAMBRIDGE IGCSE education.
A Teacher based Education program using live teacher in classrooms together with the latest learning technology. Students take courses via classrooms and utilize a variety of audio and video technologies to maximize their learning potential. Of course, there are some hybrid education courses that allow students to complete a portion of their work online, but also require in-class sessions.
Currently, is available in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia Philippines AND China
Available in more than 60 centres and more than 3000 students.
